“Daddy & Daughter Dance” is an event targeting fathers /fathers-figures and their daughters/daughter-figures, ages 6 to 24 years old.
Our primary objectives are:
1. To raise awareness to the importance of the positive relationship between fathers/father-figures and their daughters/daughter-figures.
2. To provide a supportive environment for connecting and strengthening the bond between fathers/father-figures and their daughters/daughter figures.
Research shows that when fathers are positively involved, daughters are often:
- More self-confident and self-reliant.
- More successful in school and in their careers.
- More individualized, self-directed, self-sufficient and self-regulated.
- Have better communication and problems solving skills.
- Less likely to develop depression, anxiety and eating disorders.
- Less likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors.
- More able to trust, enjoy and relate well to other male figures in their life.
“Father/Daughter Relationships”, Nielsen, 2012
San Bernardino Fatherhood anticipates the following outcomes:
- Increased public awareness on the importance of positive father involvement.
- Increased opportunities that support a culture of positive father involvement.
- Improved student academic performance by promoting a culture of father involvement in children’s education.
- Increased family cohesiveness through a culture of positive father involvement.
- Increased supportive services for teenage mothers and fathers by supporting a culture of positive father involvement.
- Increase safety networks against child sexual exploitation and sex trafficking through the awareness and promotion of positive father involvement in their children’s lives.
This year’s theme is “Fathers Loving Daughters”. Information will be provided on the importance of fathers expressing love toward their daughters based on based on the book, “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman.
Afterwards, there will be a formal (voluntary) ceremony with fathers vowing to love their daughters and daughters vowing to honor their fathers.
Other activities will include: Food, music (DJ), dance, door prizes, photo booth and lots of family-fun.